Friday, 28 November 2008

Penipuan kepada umat manusia – kes susu rendah lemak

 Gambar 1: Disebelah kanan sekali adalah susu rendah lemak

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim – Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi maha penyayang.

Apabila kita membelikan makanan bagi keluarga kita, sejauh mana kita semua berfikir “adakah makanan ini selamat”. Kita semua perlu berfikir sedemikian kerana ada segolongan manusia yang memang inginkan kita semua tidak sihat. Apabila kita semua tidak sihat, mudahlah mereka mengawal Goyem (orang bukan Yahudi) dan mudahlah mereka mendapatkan keuntungan dengan menjualkan ubat mereka pula . Perlu diingat bahawa industri perubatan adalah sangat menguntungkan dan hampir kesemuanya dikuasai oleh puak Yahudi ini.

Nestle di Malaysia memasarkan pelbagai barangan termasuk Maggi mee, Nescafe dan Coffe-mate. Ketiga-tiga produk ini sangat merbahaya dan rakyat Malaysia terus menerus membelinya.

Kali ini saya ingin bercerita tentang penipuan segolongan manusia dengan tujuan untuk menjadikan umat manusia kurang sihat disamping mereka mendapat keuntungan kewangan yang lumayan. Penipuan ini dilakukan melalui penghasilan SUSU RENDAH LEMAK / LOW FAT MILK.

Susu seperti susu lembu adalah catu contoh terbaik berkenaan emulsi. Emulsi adalah proses di mana butir-butir lemak terampai di dalam air. Santan kelapa juga adalah satu contoh baik berkenaan emulsi. Lemak memang tidak boleh larut di dalam air dan lemak susu hanya terampai di dalam air.

Bagi sesiapa yang ingin membuat eksperimen mudah pembentukan emulsi, bolehlah mencuba eksperimen berikut. Ambil sedikit ethanol atau sebarang spirit. Masukkan sedikit minyak masak ke dalamnya dan kacau sehingga larut. Seterusnya masukkan campuran ethanol dengan minyak ini ke dalam air dan akan terbentuklah emulsi minyak yang berwarna putih macam susu atau macam santan kelapa.

Susu memang mengandungi banyak lemak dan itulah sebabnya ia berwarna putih kerana kehadiran butir lemak yang halus di dalamnya, sama seperti santan kelapa.  Apabila susu lembu segar yang baru diperah dibiarkan di dalam gelas yang lutsinar untuk beberapa jam,  butiran lemak di dalam susu ini akan naik ke atas kerana ketumpatannya yang lebih rendah berbanding air. Ini menyebabkan bahagian atas susu ini semakin berminyak dan berwarna putih manakala bahagian bawah semakin kurang berwarna putih. Hasil yang sama seperti ini juga dapat diperhatikan apabila membiarkan santan kelapa di dalam gelas lutsinar.

Dengan mencedok bahagian atas susu yang berlemak dan berwarna putih ini keluar dari gelas tersebut, apa yang terhasil ialah susu rendah lemak atau susu tanpa lemak. Susu lembu atau susu ibu mengandungi kesempurnaan zat makanan. Seorang bayi yang semata-mata menghisap susu ibu selama 2 tahun tanpa sebarang makanan lain insya-Allah akan menjadi kanak-kanak sihat. Begitulah juga anak lembu akan terus membesar menjadi sihat hanya dengan minum susu lembu ibunya. Namun sekiranya anak lembu yang baru lahir diberikan hanya dengan susu rendah lemak, insya-Allah anak lembu ini akan mati menjelang usianya 1 bulan.

Susu adalah satu ciptaan Allah SWT yang sangat sempurna dan ajaib sungguh. Berbagai khasiat perubatan sebagaimana yang telah saya sebutkan seperti mengubati gastrik, ulcer, paru-paru dan pelbagai penyakit lainnya. Adakah dengan membuang komponen lemak yang terdapat di dalam susu lembu ini masih menjadikan susu lembu ini sempurna dan ajaib???

Terdapat keseluruhan kelas makanan dari karbohidrat, protin, lemak, vitamin dan mineral di dalam susu lembu ini. Membuang lemak dari susu telah menyingkirkan komponen lemak daripada susu namun adakah semata-mata lemak sahaja yang disingkirkan daripada susu rendah lemak ini???????

Terdapat dua jenis Vitamin iaitu vitamin yang larut di dalam air dan vitamin yang larut di dalam di dalam lemak. Sila rujuk untuk maklumat berkenaan vitamin secara lengkap.

Kumpulan pertama vitamin terdiri dari vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Biotin, Asid Folik, B12 dan vitamin C adalah larut di dalam air manakala vitamin A, D, E dan K adalah terdiri daripada kumpulan kedua vitamin yang larut di dalam lemak.

Dengan menyingkirkan lemak dari susu, kita bukan sekadar kehilangan lemak namun segala vitamin yang larut di dalam lemak sebenarnya juga telah disingkirkan!.

Kehilangan vitamin-vitamin yang larut di dalam lemak melalui susu rendah lemak adalah satu tragedi. Kekurangan vitamin D sahaja sudah boleh menyebabkan berbagai kesan negatif. Sila baca artikel menarik kesan kekurangan vitamin D ini melalui dan artikel ini ada saya copy paste di bawah ini.

Susu mengandungi segala macam mineral yang diperlukan tubuh badan termasuk kandungan mineral terbanyak di dalam susu iaitu Kalsium dan Phosphorus. Kedua-dua mineral ini sangat diperlukan untuk pembentukan tulang yang sihat. Persoalan seterusnya ialah adakah dengan pengambilan susu rendah lemak ini akan menyebabkan kehilangan lemak dan vitamin yang larut dalam lemak sahaja??? Untuk memahami soalan cepumas ini, marilah kita memahami fungsi vitamin D berikut.

Vitamin D adalah larut dalam lemak. Penyingkiran lemak dari susu samalah juga sebagai penyingkiran vitamin D dan juga vitamin A, E dan K. Fungsi penting vitamin D adalah sebagaimana dijelaskan di dalam wikipedia iaitu membantu penyerapan kalsium dan Phosphorus dari makanan dalam usus kecil.

“•  Vitamin D regulates the calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood by promoting their absorption from food in the intestines, and by promoting re-absorption of calcium in the kidneys, which enables normal mineralization of bone and prevents hypocalcemic tetany. It is also needed for bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts  ..

•  Absent vitamin K or with drugs (particularly blood thinners) which interfere with Vitamin K metabolism, Vitamin D can promote soft tissue calcification.”

Ini membawa maksud bahawa sekiranya makanan di dalam usus kecil banyak mengandungi kalsium dan phosphorus yang amat berguna bagi tubuh tetapi dengan kekurangan vitamin D, penyerapan ke dalam tubuh boleh tidak berlaku atau sedikit sahaja yang berlaku. Ini membawa maksud, dengan kurangnya vitamin D, makanan yang kaya dengan kalsium dan phosphorus hanya menjadi sia-sia kerana tubuh tidak dapat menyerap secara keseluruhannya. Inilah yang berlaku dalam kes susu rendah lemak.

Susu lembu memang mengandungi banyak mineral termasuk kalsium dan phosphorus tetapi dengan mengambil susu rendah lemak, segala lemak berserta vitamin A. D, E dan K telah turut hilang. Kehilangan vitamin D dan K sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas menyebabkan kandungan kalsium dan phosphorus yang kaya di dalam susu tidak dapat dimanfaatkan oleh tubuh badan. Ini membawa maksud bahawa pengambilan susu rendah lemak menyebabkan:

1. Kehilangan lemak baik dari susu
2. Kehilangan Vitamin A, D, E dan K
3. Kehilangan mineral Kalsium dan Phosphorus kerana tubuh tidak dapat menyerap kesemuanya.
4. Kesan-kesan negatif sebagaimana dinyatakan di termasuk merosotnya tahap kesihatan.

Selain daripada isu kehilangan zat makanan yang penting dari susu rendah lemak, mari kita lihat pula isu harga susu rendah lemak. Sebagai perbandingan, kek berkrim sepatutnya berharga lebih mahal berbanding kek tanpa krim, begitulah susu penuh krim atau fullcream juga sewajarnyalah berharga lebih mahal berbanding susu rendah lemak. Ini dapat diterjemahkan melalui harga susu berikut:

Perkara                                                                         Harga
Fernleaf Instant 600gm (Susu rendah lemak)              13.80
Fernleaf Fullcream 600gm                                            15.20
Fernleaf Kuat Family Milk 2 Kg (Susu rendah lemak)   34.90
Fernleaf Fullcream Milk 2 Kg                                         45.50

Apa yang menjadi kemusykilan besar kepada saya ialah mengapakah susu Anlene dan Anlene  Gold menjadi sangat mahal mengalahkan harga susu fullcream sedangkan susu Anlene ini adalah diperbuat daripada susu rendah lemak? Cuba perhatikan harga berikut:

       Anlene 700gm  berharga             RM20.90
       Anlene Gold 700gm berharga      RM21.70

Keistimewaan susu Anlene menurut apa yang dijelaskan oleh pihak penjualnya adalah kandungan kalsiumnya yang tinggi. Harga sumber kalsium adalah sangat murah. Ambil sahaja kulit kupang yang dibuang oleh penternak kupang di Johor Bahru, dibersihkan dan dikisar sudah menjadi sumber kalsium. Namun dengan kandungan kalsium yang tinggi ini, adakah badan dapat memanfaatkannya dengan menyerap ke dalam tubuh sedangkan melalui penjelasan saya di atas, penyerapan kalsium ke dalam tubuh memerlukan vitamin D? Vitamin D yang terkandung di dalam susu telah dibuang apabila lemak susu telah diasingkan!

Bagi pandangan saya, hasrat pembeli susu Anlene untuk menambahkan kesihatan tulang hanya sekadar harapan semata-mata. Membelanjakan wang yang mahal untuk membeli kononnya “susu premium” susu Anlene hanya seperti mengejar fatamorgana. Duit habis tetapi hasilnya tiada atau sangat rendah.

Kes Anlene ini sebenarnya mirip peniaga Malaysia yang ingin memasarkan baju berkualiti dengan harga murah ke Brunei. Pakaian berharga RM150 berkualiti tinggi di Malaysia dapat dipasarkan di Brunei selepas kos penghantaran, cukai dsbnya (1 $ Brunei = RM2.40) dengan harga Brunei $100. Namun hakikatnya sekiranya pakaian ini dijual di Brunei dengan harga Brunei $100, insya-Allah tidak ramai yang membelinya tetapi sekiranya pakaian ini dijual dengan harga Brunei$200 atau lebih, insya-Allah laris jualannya.

Inilah yang berlaku ke atas susu Anlene Gold. Berbagai iklan menipu yang diusahakannya disamping diletakkan harga yang mahal konon kerana kualitinya sangat tinggi tetapi hakikatnya pembeli tertipu. Kembalilah gunakan susu fullcream, khasiatnya sudah sangat bagus pemberian ajaib dari Allah SWT.

Anlene Gold yang menggunakan istilah “Formula unggul kekuatan tulang” hanya sekadar iklan untuk meramaikan pembelinya. Jangan tertipu!

Namun saya ingin memberikan kepujian kepada pengedar Fernleaf Kuat Family Milk 2Kg kerana mencatatkan catatan berikut di pembungkus susu tersebut:


Susu rendah lemak adalah sebenarnya susu cacat yang sudah dibuang komponen penting lemak yang menyumbang peranan yang amat penting dalam kesihatan manusia. Itulah sebabnya ia tidak boleh digunakan bagi kanak-kanak dibawah 12 bulan. Persoalannya ialah jikalau tidak sesuai untuk kanak-kanak di bawah 12 bulan, mengapakah ia sesuai digunakan untuk orang dewasa??

Seterusnya berbagai iklan tipu sebagaimana iklan ubat gigi Colgate dapat melindungi gigi dipaparkan dimedia massa menyatakan pelbagai faedah dari penggunaan susu rendah lemak. Saya ulangi sekali lagi bahawa susu rendah lemak adalah susu cacat dimana kandungan lemak daripada susu ini telah dikeluarkan. Lemak susu yang dikeluarkan ini tidak dibuang tetapi dijual untuk pelbagai kegunaan lain. Kehilangan lemak dari susu seterusnya menghilangkan segala vitamin (A,D,E,K) yang larut didalamnya dan dengan ketiadaan vitamin D daripada sumber susu ini mengakibatkan penyerapan mineral Kalsium dan phosphorus ke dalam tubuh badan terjejas. Kehilangan Vitamin terutama sekali vitamin D menjejaskan kesihatan manusia.

Ramai orang menyangka bahawa lemak di dalam susu menggemukkan dan memberikan kesan negatif lain. Bagi saya ini adalah pandangan yang kurang wajar. Keluarga saya termasuk isteri dan 6 orang anak, alhamdulillah tidak gemuk pun walau pun mereka kuat minum susu fullcream. Yang belajar di UIA dan UTM siap minta dibelikan susu fullcream setiap bulan.

Gambar 2: Susu fullcream jenama Fernleaf

Satu lagi fakta yang pengguna perlu tahu tentang lemak susu ialah lemak susu adalah lemak yang baik kepada manusia sebagaimana baiknya minyak zaitun kepada manusia. Minyak zaitun terlalu banyak khasiatnya dan tidak boleh diganti oleh minyak kelapa sawit. Minyak zaitun membawa khasiat manakala minyak kelapa sawit membawa mudharat. Begitulah juga dengan lemak dalam susu banyak khasiatnya.

Minyak zaitun penuh khasiat

Gambar 3: Susu fullcream jenama Dutch Lady

Sekian sahaja untuk kali ini

Wassalam wallahuaqlam


Vitamin D is a Key Player in Your Overall Health

Vitamin D, once linked to only bone diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis, is now recognized as a major player in overall human health.

In a paper published in the August issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Anthony Norman, an international expert on vitamin D, identifies vitamin D's potential for contributions to good health in the adaptive and innate immune systems, the secretion and regulation of insulin by the pancreas, the heart and blood pressure regulation, muscle strength and brain activity.

Access to adequate amounts of vitamin D is also believed to be beneficial towards reducing the risk of cancer.

Norman also lists 36 organ tissues in the body whose cells respond biologically to vitamin D, including bone marrow, breast, colon, intestine, kidney, lung, prostate, retina, skin, stomach and uterine tissues.

According to Norman, deficiency of vitamin D can impact all 36 organs. Already, vitamin D deficiency is associated with muscle strength decrease, high risk for falls, and increased risk for colorectal, prostate and breast and other major cancers.

An unrelated study also suggests that low vitamin D is associated with Parkinson’s disease. The majority (55 percent) of Parkinson's disease patients in the study had insufficient levels of vitamin D.

Meanwhile, the American Academy of Pediatrics has doubled its recommendation for a daily dose of vitamin D in children, in the hopes of preventing rickets and promoting other health benefits.

The new guidelines now call for children to receive 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day, beginning in the first few days of life.
“ … Evidence has shown this could have life-long health benefits," said Dr. Frank Greer of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Finally, a Natural Solution to Common Vision Problems

   Discover the simple, safe and proven approach for eliminating your vision problems once and for all. Reclaim your vision without the risks and expense of laser eye surgery by following this science-based program. It has worked for tens of thousands of people, including Dr. Mercola. And, it can work for you, too.

• Eurekalert October 9, 2008
• American Journal of Clinical Nutrition August 2008, Vol. 88, No. 2, 491S-499S
• Archives of Neurology October 2008, Vol. 65, No. 10
• Reuters October 13, 2008

Question: Fat Soluble Vitamins vs Water Soluble Vitamins
What’s the difference between fat soluble and water soluble vitamins, and what is its significance for people with cystic fibrosis?
Answer: Vitamins are classified as either water soluble or fat soluble based on how they are absorbed and used by the body.

Water soluble (Vitamin C and all of the B vitamins): Water soluble vitamins are vitamins that our bodies do not store. These vitamins dissolve in water when they are ingested, then go in to the blood stream. The body keeps what it needs at that time, and excess amounts are excreted in the urine. Since they can’t be stored, everybody needs a continuous supply of water soluble vitamins in order to stay healthy.

Fat Soluble (Vitamins A, D, E and K): Fat soluble vitamins are those that are normally stored in the body. When these vitamins are ingested, they dissolve in fat. In a person with a healthy digestive system, the body uses what it needs at that time and stores the rest for future use. Since people with cystic fibrosis often have pancreatic insufficiency and do not digest or store fats properly, the excess is not stored but excreted in the stool. Due to this, people with cystic fibrosis need a continuous supply of fat soluble vitamins just as they do with water soluble vitamins.

Milk Composition Minerals
Calcium and phosphorous are the major minerals found in milk. These minerals are required in large quantities by the rapidly growing neonate for bone growth and development of soft tissues. Calcium and phosphorous mostly are associated with the casein micelle structure. Milk also contains most other minerals found in the body.
Some minerals, such as Zn, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, and Mo, are required by enzymes as cofactors.

Fe is low in milk of many species relative to the needs of the neonate. Fe is essential for the neonate as part of hemoglobin. In many species the neonate is born with some liver stores of Fe; however, the piglet does not and needs an Fe supplement (injection) soon after birth. Fe in milk is bound to lactoferrin, transferrin, xanthine oxidase, and some to caseins.

Zn in cow's milk is mostly bound to casein, but some is bound to lactoferrin.
Cu is bound to the caseins, to ß-lactoglobulin, to lactoferrin, and some to the milk fat membranes.

Mo is bound to xanthine oxidase, an enzyme associated with the cell membrane and on the inner surface of the milk fat globule membranes.

Mn         is associated with the milk fat membranes.
Co          is an essential part of vitamin B12.
Minerals contribute to the buffering capacity of milk, the maintenance of milk pH, the ionic strength of milk, and milk's osmotic pressure.

Trace elements may enter the milk during milk synthesis or by contamination after the milk is removed from the cow; for example from metal containers, etc. Cows raised near industrial plants can have higher milk Cd and Pb. Cows raised near highways can have higher milk Pb.

Mineral Secretion in Milk
Mineral       % Total         % in Soluble Form
Ca                0.12                25 (rest of Ca is in the casein micelle form)
P                  0.10                44 (rest of P is in the casein micelle form)
Mg               0.01                20
K                  0.15               100
Na                0.05                100
Cl                 0.11                100

The Ca and P are either in the casein micelles and in citrate and phosphate complexes.
Average values for milk salt constituents in whole milk

Constituent      mg/100ml milk Calcium (Ca)         123
Phosphorous (P)    95
Magnesium (Mg)   12
Potassium (K)       141
Sodium (Na)         58
Chlorine (Cl)         119
Sulfur (S)               30
Citric acid             160

Trace Elements in Cow MilkThe milk concentration of some elements can be increased by increasing the amount in the diet. These particularly include I, B, Br, Co, Mn, Mo, Se, and Zn. The table below shows examples of the concentrations of various elements in milk when fed a normal diet vs. a diet where that particular element was supplemented.
Trace elements in cow milk (micrograms per liter)

Cow Receiving Element        Normal Ration     Supplement of Element

Aluminum                                       460                        810
Arsenic                                            50                        450
Boron                                            270                        660
Bromine                                        600                         Increases
Bromine (costal areas)                  2800                         -
Cadmium                                       26                          No increase
Chromium                                      15                           -
Cobalt                                           0.6                         2.4
Copper                                         130                        No increase
Fluorine                                         150                        Increases
Iodine                                             43                        Up to 2700
Iron                                               450                       No increase
Lead                                               40                        Increases
Manganese                                      22                         64
Molybdenum                                   73                         371
Nickel                                             27                         No increase
Selenium (low Se area)                    40                         Increases
Selenium (high Se area)              Up to 1270                  -
Silicon                                          1430                        No increase
Silver                                              47                           -
Strontium                                      171                           -
Vanadium                                    0.092                          -
Zinc                                             3900                          5100

Study QuestionHow much of the calcium and phosphorous found in milk would you expect to find in the serum phase of milk?

Vitamin DFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Cholecalciferol (D3)

Ergpcalciferol (D2). Note double bond at top center.

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble prohormones, the two major forms of which are vitamin D2 (or ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol). The term vitamin D also refers to metabolites and other analogues of these substances. Vitamin D3 is produced in skin exposed to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B radiation.

Vitamin D plays an important role in the maintenance of organ systems.

• Vitamin D regulates the calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood by promoting their absorption from food in the intestines, and by promoting re-absorption of calcium in the kidneys, which enables normal mineralization of bone and prevents hypocalcemic tetany. It is also needed for bone growth and bone remodeling by  osteoblasts and osteoclasts.

• Absent vitamin K or with drugs (particularly blood thinners) which interfere with Vitamin K metabolism, Vitamin D can promote soft tissue calcification.

• It inhibits parathyroid hormone secretion from the parathyroid gland.

• Vitamin D affects the immune system by promoting phagocytosis, anti-tumor activity, and immunomodulatory functions.

Vitamin D deficiency can result from inadequate intake coupled with inadequate sunlight exposure, disorders that limit its absorption, conditions that impair conversion of vitamin D into active metabolites, such as liver or kidney disorders, or, rarely, by a number of hereditary disorders. Deficiency results in impaired bone mineralization, and leads to bone softening diseases, rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, and possibly contributes to osteoporosis. However sunlight exposure, to avoid deficiency, carries other risks, including skin cancer; this risk is avoided with dietary absorption, either through diet or as a dietary supplement.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Hidup lebih sihat tanpa tepung gandum putih (bleached).

Tepung gandum putih

Assalamualaikum wbth
(Updated 11 Disember 2019)

Beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini saya memang tersangat sibuk dan memenatkan. Insya-Allah hujung November saya dapat berehat dan dapat menulis lebih banyak artikel.

Dua hari lepas alhamdulillah saya dan isteri dapat berkunjung ke rumah kakak sulung saya. Kakak saya  ini sudah uzur maklumlah usia sudah melebihi 60 tahun. Abang ipar saya sudah berusia 68 tahun tetapi alhamdulillah kelihatan masih segak. Kakak dan abang ipar saya ini tinggal di Felda dan menjalankan kedai runcit di hadapan rumahnya. 

Dalam kunjungan saya kali ini, saya terserempak dengan satu pasangan yang juga bertamu ke rumah kakak saya ini. Pasangan ini dari kalangan orang berada berjawatan besar dan memandu kereta mewah. Apa yang ingin saya ceritakan di sini ialah berkenaan tetamu sang suami. Sang suami yang saya namakan Mr Y ini adalah orang penting di salah sebuah kilang pengeluar tepung gandum. Dengan kesempatan yang diberikan Allah SWT ini, saya mengambil peluang untuk bertanya berbagai soalan berkenaan tepung gandum.

Maklumat pertama yang saya perolehi dari Mr Y ini ialah bahawa tepung gandum bersubsidi adalah dari jenama Cap Kunci yang  boleh dibeli di pasaran dengan harga sekitar RM1.45 manakala tepung dari jenama lainnya adalah tidak bersubsidi dan dijual pada harga sekitar RM2.80. Apa yang saya ingin kemukakan sebagai satu persoalan ialah mengapakah rakyat marhaen tidak berpeluang untuk membeli tepung Cap Kunci ini? Pekedai terutama pekedai kecil yang memerlukan tepung Cap Kunci untuk membuat roti canai juga menghadapi masalah besar untuk mendapatkannya di pasaran. Agaknya siapakah yang berjaya membeli tepung Cap Kunci ini?? 

Seterusnya saya bertanya  bagaimana tepung gandum dihasilkan. Mr Y menjelaskan dengan terperinci proses bagaimana tepung gandum ini dihasilkan termasuk bagaimana tepung ini dilunturkan warnanya. Apa bila tiba bab ini, saya mencelah menceritakan bagaimana bahan kimia BENZOYL PEROXIDE (BP) digunakan untuk menjadikan tepung gandum berwarna putih melepak. 

Tepung gandum setelah dikisar berwarna kekuningan. Dengan mencampurkan bahan kimia BP ke dalam tepung ini, warna tepung akan dilunturkan menjadi warna putih dalam masa yang singkat. Mr Y menjelaskan kepada saya bahawa bahan kimia BP ini adalah merbahaya dan boleh menyebabkan berbagai penyakit. Mr Y menambah cerita bahawa kilang dimana beliau bekerja adalah satu-satunya kilang yang tidak menggunakan BP untuk memutihkan tepung. Beliau menambah bahawa pada satu waktu dahulu, satu lori tepung gandum seberat 20 tan untuk dieksport ke Singapore telah ditegah masuk kerana mengandungi bahan kimia BP. Bagusnya Singapore, mereka mengharamkan jualan tepung gandum yang mengandungi bahan kimia BP kerana hendak menjaga kesihatan rakyatnya tetapi mengapa Malaysia terus menzalimi rakyatnya dengan membenarkan jualan tepung yang mengandungi kimia merbahaya BP ini??

Saya cukup merasa seronok kerana mengetahui ada jenama tepung gandum di Malaysia yang tidak mengandungi bahan kimia BP yang merbahaya ini. Demi untuk mengesahkan cerita dari Mr Y ini saya masuk ke kedai kakak saya untuk mengambil beberapa bungkusan tepung gandum yang dikeluarkan oleh kilang Mr Y bekerja. Saya membuat semakan pada bungkusan tepung tersebut untuk mengesahkan tiada perkataan “Benzoyl Peroxide” di luarnya. Setelah puas menyemak, saya begitu terkejut apabila melihat bungkusan ini tertera “mengandungi Benzoyl Peroxide”. Mr Y lebih terkejut kerana pada sangkaannya kilang dimana beliau bekerja tidak menggunakan BP untuk melunturkan tepung gandum. Selain terkejut, Mr Y amat malu apabila sangkaannya bahawa kilang tepung tempat beliau bekerja tidak  menggunakan BP adalah meleset.

Lihatlah tulisan "Mengandungi Benzoyl Peroxide yang dibenarkan" di dalam gambar di atas di bawah tulisan besar BERAT BERSIH

Semalam saya mengGoogle untuk mencari bacaan tambahan tentang BP dan berikut adalah antara dapatan saya:

1. Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl Peroxide is a highly potent chemical often used in low concentrations as an acne treatment.  Benzoyl Peroxide basically works as a peeling agent, stripping dead skin cells and killing bacteria within pores.  Pure benzoyl peroxide is highly flammable, explosive, toxic, and is suspected of being a possible tumor promoter.
Although Benzoyl Peroxide is generally considered safe at low concentrations, since it breaks down in contact with skin, it is known for causing nasty side effects such as hives, swelling of the face, itching, and dry and peeling skin.  It is also a powerful bleaching agent and will cause discoloration when it comes in contact with clothing and hair.

2. Benzoyl Peroxide



Possible tumor promoter. May act as a mutagen. Toxic by inhalation. May be harmful if swallowed and in contact with skin. Eye, skin and respiratory irritant. Typical TLV 5 mg/m3.

3.  Toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity.

4. *** Benzoyl peroxide presents a number of hazards. Firstly, it is potentially explosive when mixed with organic material. Friction or grinding may also be sufficient to make it explode. 

*** The compound is very flammable. 

*** Benzoyl peroxide is toxic if you breathe it in, and may be harmful if you swallow it or get it on the skin. 

*** In addition, benzoyl peroxide may act as a tumor promoter.

Daripada keterangan dari 4 laman web di atas dapat dijelaskan bahawa Benzoyl Peroxide adalah :
  • Bahan toksik
  • Digunakan dalam ubat merawat jerawat
  • Bahan penggalak tumor
  •  Boleh menyebabkan alahan pada kulit
  •  Bahan mutagen iaitu bahan yang boleh menyebabkan mutasi pada sel badan.
  •  Bahan peluntur kuat yang mampu melunturkan iaitu menukarkan ke warna putih pakaian dan juga rambut yang berwarna.

Itulah sebabnya BP digunakan untuk menukarkan warna tepung gandum kepada warna putih kerana BP adalah satu bahan peluntur yang amat kuat sehinggakan rambut hitam boleh bertukar putih bila disentuhkan BP ini.

Proses pemutihan tepung gandum dilakukan adalah dengan cara mencampurkan tepung gandum dengan bahan kimia BP ini. Dalam tempuh yang singkat, iaitu tidak sampai pun 1 jam, semua tepung gandum ini akan bertukar ke putih. Selain menukar (meluntur) kepada warna putih, BP juga bertindak balas dengan tepung gandum ini lalu menukarkan protin gluten yang terdapat dalam tepung gandum ini. Ia juga  mengakibatkan sebahagian nutrisi didalam tepung gandum yang asal merosot. Ini mengakibatkan serangga kurang menggemari tepung putih berbanding tepung gandum yang asal (sila baca artikel berbahasa Inggeris di bawah). BP ini akan terus berada di dalam tepung putih ini apabila dipasarkan.

Dalam bahasa mudah, tepung gandum putih adalah tidak baik kerana mengandungi bahan toksik BP yang boleh mengakibatkan berbagai masalah disamping sebahagian nutrisinya telah hilang.
Saya sebagai seorang yang pernah mengalami “acute gout” sudah masak benar dengan kesan negatif tepung putih ini ke atas pesakit gout. Sesiapa yang menghidap penyakit gout, sila buat eksperimen ini. Sebagai permulaannya, kawallah permakanan sehingga gout anda berkurang dan hampir tidak ada. Setelah itu, makanlah makanan yang dibuat dari tepung putih seperti mee kuning atau roti canai atau piza atau roti putih dalam kuantiti yang banyak dan tunggulah kesannya. Insya-Allah dalam tempuh 24 jam, pesakit gout akan mengalami simptom gout yang serius. Itulah akibat dari memakan tepung putih yang mengandungi bahan kimia Benzoyl Peroxide.

Sebagai eksperimen kawalan (control experiment), lakukan pula eksperimen yang sama seperti di atas tetapi menggunakan pula spageti atau makaroni atau capati. Kesemua makanan ini diperbuat daripada gandum juga namun tepung ini tidak dicampurkan dengan benzoyl peroxide. Insya-Allah eksperimen ini tidak akan menyebabkan symptom gout. 

Daripada kedua-dua eksperimen ini menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa bukan gandum yang membahayakan pesakit gout namun ialah kandungan benzoyl peroxide di dalam tepung gandumlah yang membahayakan pesakit gout.

Tepung gandum unbleached / tepung atta berwarna perang cair seperti warna spageti

Bagi mee kuning, selain benzoyl peroxide yang merbahaya, kandungan aid borik sebagai pengawet di dalamnya menambah parah kepada pesakit gout.

Bagi pesakit gout, bacalah dan amalkanlah saranan saya sebagaimana di dalam srtikel bertajuk .
Pesakit gout, diabetes dan arthritis perlu mengelakkan segala makanan yang mengandungi tepung gandum putih (yang telah dilunturkan oleh BP) seperti mee kuning, roti canai, roti serta kueh mueh yang diperbuat dari bahan ini.

Bagi pendapat saya sebenarnya terdapat agenda sulit mengapa tepung gandum perlu diputihkan dengan menggunakan bahan kimia BP ini. Mengapa tidak digunakan gas klorin atau kaedah lain yang tidak memudaratkan manusia? Begitulah juga mengapa garam halus dimasukan bahan kimia merbahaya di dalamnya. Kesemua usaha ini adalah bermotifkan agar kesemua manusia kecuali Y***** mengalami ………….

Hidup lebih sihat tanpa tepung gandum putih (bleached). 

Seorang manusia tidak akan menerima kesan negatif dari BP dalam tempuh yang singkat. Namun setelah mengambil produk tepung putih untuk tempuh yang panjang iaitu melebihi 20 atau 30 tahun, kesan negatif dari BP bakal semakin ketara. Kini masalah gout, athritis dan diabetes semakin lumrah di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Penyakit ini mula menyerang seawal usia hujung 20an atau awal 30an. Pada pendapat saya, produk dari tepung putih adalah satu punca penting selain banyak faktor lain yang menyebabkan gout, diabetes dan athritis. Saya adalah antara penghidap sakit gout yang serius, maklumlah saya memang mengambil banyak produk tepung gandum putih semenjak kecil seperti roti, mee, kuih muih dan sebagainya. Alhamdulillah kini hidup terasa nikmatnya dan semoga Allah menjauhkan saya dari sakit gout lagi.

Kini alhamdulillah terdapat tepung gandum yang tidak mengandungi Benzoyl Peroxide seperti tepung Faiza seperti berikut:

Gambar di bawah juga adalah satu tepung yang tidak mengandungi Benzoyl Peroxide

Di bawah ini saya copy paste bahan bacaan tambahan berkenaan tepung gandum putih serta bahan kimia benzoyl peroxide di dalamnya.

Sekian wassalam wallahuaqlam



Is there a difference between bread flour and unbleached flour??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

All-purpose flour and bread flour can be divided into two types: unbleached flour, also called bread flour, and bleached flour. The main difference between the two is how the flour is processed. In order to make flour the wheat kernel is ground down into fine particles. The ground wheat has a distinct yellow color due to the presence of carotenoid pigments called xanthophylls. This pigment also gives a yellow color to potatoes and onions. At this point the flour is both oxidized to whiten the yellow color and matured. When flour is oxidized the gluten proteins present in the flour are altered. More specifically, the oxidation process enhances the formation of disulfide bonds between gluten proteins. These bonds make the flour more suited for baking, as it enables the flour to form stronger, more elastic dough.

Unbleached and bleached flour are whitened and matured by different methods:

Unbleached flour is matured and bleached naturally by oxygen present in the air. While this process is very simple there are some disadvantages. This method is somewhat unreliable and rather time-consuming, taking up to several months to complete. The flour also occupies space in the producer's warehouse while maturing. This storage expense is costly for the producer and makes bleached flour more expensive than unbleached flour.

Many decades ago, flour producers found that they could speed up the whitening and maturing process by treating flour with certain chemicals. The result is bleached flour. This process takes only minutes instead of weeks. However, the health risks surrounding the chemicals and bleached flour remain controversial. Many European countries ban the production of bleached flour. In the United States, any flours treated with these bleaching chemicals must be labeled as bleached.

There are several different chemicals that are used to bleach and mature flour. Benzoyl peroxide, chloride gas, and chlorine dioxide are all used to whiten the flour. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and potassium bromate are also commonly added to strengthen and oxidize the flour. Potassium bromate is a suspected carcinogen and has been banned from food in Europe, Japan, and Canada, but not in the United States. Only flours sold in California are required by law to label the addition of potassium bromate. Such flours are often referred to as "brominated".

The chemicals above are potentially toxic, but the safety of treated flour is heavily debated. Some people think that the chemicals only leave minor, if any, residues behind in the bleached flour. Others think that the remaining chemicals pose a more serious threat. Some people are even able to taste a bitter aftertaste from these chemicals. Additionally, using these chemicals is not environmentally friendly. However, don't be misled into thinking that unbleached flour is chemical-free. Many brands also use potassium bromate as a maturing agent. If you're concerned about these chemicals, I recommend purchasing organic flour or flour from producers that don't use these chemicals (look for unbleached flour that is also "unbrominated"). Fortunately, it appears that flour producers in the U.S. are phasing out the use of potassium bromate in favor of ascorbic acid, which is not a carcinogen.

There are other differences between unbleached and bleached flour besides the addition of chemicals. Surprisingly, the nutritional values of the two flours are practically identical. The main difference is that the chloride used in bleached flour destroys a small amount of vitamin E. This removal is considered by some to be negligible, since white flour only contains a small amount of this vitamin anyway. The two types of flour are generally interchangeable in recipes, however they have a noticeable difference in consistency. Unbleached flour has a higher level of gluten than bleached, and therefore it is preferred when making yeast breads and sturdier baked goods. Bleached flour has a lower level of gluten and a finer grain. It generally produces a slightly lighter and softer product than products made with unbleached flour. It is therefore more commonly used when making delicate pastries. Many cooks also use bleached flour in products where a white color is desired, as unbleached flour retains a more golden hue.

The poisons in your food 


By William Longgood
"The average loaf of commercial white bread sold today is primarily the product of chemical ingenuity, clever mechanical technology and advertising guile. It is subjected to a bombardment of chemicals, stripped of virtually all nutrients, given a few synthetic vitamins, shot with emulsifier to keep it soft and, sold to the gullible public as an enriched product."--Willliam Longgood

For more than twenty-five years bread flour was bleached and "matured" with nitrogen trichloride, a gas known as Agene.Sir Edward Mellanby, a distinguished British physician and nutritionist , discovered that dogs fed bread made with Agene treated flour developed "running fits" or "canine hysteria". Some ten years after the substance was found to be a powerful nerve poison for dogs, the use of Agene in bread making was legally banned.

A substitute gas was found by the flour millers. This gas is known as Chlorine Dioxide. The authoritative publication 'Lockwood's Flour Milling' has this to say about the gas:
"The use of Chlorine dioxide is more powerful than nitrogen trichloride (Agene); the quantities used are one- third to half those of nitrogen trichloride. Chlorine dioxide not only oxidises the flour pigment but also has a valuable bleaching effect on the colouring matter of the bran, which makes it particularly valuable for bleaching low grade flours."

Use of chlorine dioxide was approved over the protests of many USA nutritionists. The FDA (Food and Drugs Administration of USA) lists the gas as a poisonous substance, permitting on grounds that it is 'probably safe as normally used'. The late Leonard Wickenden , a noted chemist, pointed out in his book 'Our Daily Poison" that "No one has yet discovered that it gives dogs running fits so it is considered quite safe."

While Agene and chlorine dioxide generally are called bleaches, their primary purpose is to age flour artificially. Aging is considered necessary to give some flours the right consistency, but to avoid costly storage and waiting for the process to take place, they are given a shot of gas.
Samuel Lepkovsky of the College of Agriculture at the University of California in Berkley, and author of "Bread problem in war and in peace", noted that "instead of being alarmed at the decreased nutritive value of white flour as shown by the inability of insect pests to thrive on it, the production of white flour was hailed as a great forward step."

In milling, flour is treated with improvers, oxidising agents such as persulfate, bromain, iodate, and nitrogen trichloride, which affect protease activity and gluten properties.
Bleaching agents such as oxides of nitrogen, chlorines and benzoyl peroxide convert the yellow carotenoid pigment to colourless compounds because of alleged consumer desire for white bread.
An obstacle to overcome is the common belief that there is little if any nutritional difference between white and whole-wheat bread. The baker is delighted to maintain this canard because white flour will keep much longer than whole-wheat. Several scientists have noted that bugs avoid bleached flour because it does not have enough nutrition to keep them alive. "Only humans eat it," said Dr. Carlson.

Sylvester Graham said that whole-wheat bread (whole wheat is wheat ground as flour but with bran and all other substances retained in the flour) was almost a complete food and in addition could cure digestive disorders such as constipation and diarrhoea. He also warned that removal of the bran by bolting or separating from the milled flour reduced the nutritive value.

Lepkovsky quoted a J.B. Orr as recalling that during the Napoleonic wars the men from northern England and southern Scotland who lived in the country side and had plenty of whole-wheat grain, milk, eggs and vegetables were big, powerful and energetic men who made the best infantry soldiers of Europe . During the Boer war a large percentage of the recruits from this same district were short, frail weaklings who could not be used as soldiers.

"A commission was appointed to investigate the cause of this striking change in the physical condition of these men, and it was found that many people who had moved off the land and had gone into the slums of the big cities had their eating habits changed. They were depending too largely on white flour and sugar".

Despite spirited opposition to white bread by many doctors and health officials, the milling industry laid down a massive propaganda barrage which buried its opponents. Anyone who attacked the nutritive values of white bread was denounced. Industry was aided in this campaign by organised medicine and the government. "The nutritional poverty of white bread as compared with whole-wheat was so great as to demand attention".

This led to the fortification of white bread.
To understand what is involved in fortifying bread, it is helpful to observe what happens to the grain in milling:

A grain of wheat or berry, as it is called, is composed of three principal parts: 1.the outer shell or husk, 2.the endosperm or kernel and 3.the germ from which the grain reproduces itself. When the grain is planted the husk protects the seed while it germinates, and the endosperm- a carbohydrate- feeds the germ until it gets a foothold and takes nutrients from the earth and air.

The modern steel flour mill is a devilishly clever device; it removes the husk and the germ of a grain of wheat, leaving only the endosperm. It is the endosperm from which flour is made.
The flour that emerges is little more than pure starch, containing only about seven to eleven per cent low grade protein. When mixed with water, the flour becomes an easily shaped paste. The miller loves white flour because of its long-keeping qualities and unattractiveness to bugs. But a secondary attraction is that he can sell the removed bran as feed for animals, and the wheat germ as a food supplement for human beings and animals.

Dr.Carlson said: "It is a tragedy to me... that we mill the best of our ingredients out of our grain and that the best part is fed to hogs and cattle while we eat the poorest part."
In the discarded parts are nutrients essential to human health and life. Some twenty natural vitamins and minerals are removed from white bread and are replaced with four or five synthetic ones at higher cost and call the product "enriched or fortified."

Numerous experiments have confirmed the nutritional inadequacy of "enriched" bread compared to the whole-wheat. In one experiment carried out by Dr.Estelle Howley, Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Nutrition at Rochester University, one group of rats was fed "enriched" commercial white bread and another was given bread made with the Cornell formula which was formulated by Dr. Clive McCay at Cornell, consisting of unbleached flour enriched with natural food products such as wheat germ, soy-bean flour, and a high proportion of milk solids.
Rats on the MacCay-Cornell formula thrived, as did their offspring through the fourth generation. Rats on the commercial white bread became sickly and starved-looking and produced stunted offspring. All died off and the strain became extinct before the fourth generation.


Pure benzoyl peroxide is highly flammable, explosive, toxic and a possible tumor promoter and may act as a mutagen[5], and should be handled with care.
Diluted in an ointment, benzoyl peroxide is used as an acne treatment and the following precautions and claims pertain to this use. Attention should be paid to the safety directions provided when purchased.

In the United States, the typical concentration for benzoyl peroxide is 2.5% to 10% for both prescription and over the counter use in treatment for acne. Higher concentrations are used for hair bleach and teeth whitening. Benzoyl peroxide, like most peroxides, is a powerful bleaching agent. Contact with fabric (including clothing and bed linens) or hair can cause permanent color dampening almost immediately. Even secondary contact can cause bleaching. For example, contact with a towel that has been used to wash off benzoyl peroxide-containing hygiene products.[citation needed]

Benzoyl peroxide breaks down in contact with skin, producing benzoic acid and oxygen, neither of which are significantly toxic.[6]

Wheat flour

Much more wheat flour is produced than any other flour. Wheat varieties are called "clean," "white," or "brown" if they have high gluten content, and they are called "soft" or "weak" flour if gluten content is low. Hard flour, or bread flour, is high in gluten, with a certain toughness that holds its shape well once baked. Soft flour is comparatively low in gluten and so results in a finer texture. Soft flour is usually divided into cake flour, which is the lowest in gluten, and pastry flour, which has slightly more gluten than cake flour.

In terms of the parts of the grain (the grass fruit) used in flour — the endosperm or starchy part, the germ or protein part, and the bran or fibre part — there are three general types of flour. White flour is made from the endosperm only. Whole grain or wholemeal flour is made from the entire grain, including bran, endosperm, and germ. A germ flour is made from the endosperm and germ, excluding the bran.

All-purpose or plain flour is a blended wheat flour with an intermediate gluten level, which is marketed as an acceptable compromise for most household baking needs.
Bleached flour is treated with flour bleaching agents to whiten it (freshly milled flour is yellowish) and to give it more gluten-producing potential. Oxidizing agents are usually employed, most commonly organic peroxides like acetone peroxide or benzoyl peroxide, nitrogen dioxide, or chlorine. A similar effect can be achieved by letting the flour slowly oxidize with oxygen in the air ("natural aging") for approximately 10 days; however, this process is more expensive due to the time required.

Bromated flour is a flour with a maturing agent added. The agent's role is to help with developing gluten, a role similar to the flour bleaching agents. Bromate is usually used. Other choices are phosphates, ascorbic acid, and malted barley. Bromated flour has been banned in much of the world, as bromate is a suspected carcinogen, but remains available in the United States.

Cake flour is a finely milled flour made from soft wheat. It has very low gluten content, making it suitable for soft-textured cakes and cookies. The higher gluten content of other flours would make the cakes tough. Related to cake flour are masa harina (from maize), maida flour (from wheat or tapioca), and pure starches.

Pastry flour or cookie flour or cracker flour has slightly higher gluten content than cake flour but lower than all-purpose flour. It is suitable for fine, light-textured pastries.
Graham flour is a special type of whole-wheat flour. The endosperm is finely ground, as in white flour, while the bran and germ are coarsely ground. Graham flour is uncommon outside of the USA and Europe.[citation needed] It is the basis of true graham crackers. Many graham crackers on the market are actually imitation grahams because they do not contain graham flour or even whole-wheat flour.

Self-rising or self-raising flour is flour ("white" wheat flour or wholemeal) that is sold premixed with chemical leavening agents. It was invented by Henry Jones. Typical ratios are the following:
a pinch to ½ teaspoon salt
100 g flour
1 g or less salt